The poetic function in the classical guitar score of Preludio epigramático No. 1 by Leo Brouwer.


  • Diana Esperanza Álvarez Campos Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo


Semiotics., Poetic function., Music., Poetry.


The following article seeks, with the help of the theories of Roman Jakobson, Charles S. Pierce and Umberto Eco, a resignification of the score as an aesthetic object and not only as an instruction towards the musical act. This hypothesis will be demonstrated by making a comparison between the musical piece captured in the score and the poem by Miguel Hernández that Leo Brouwer (the composer) has placed in the subtitle of the prelude. The comparative reflection will range from observing the aspects of musical language such as agogic and musical dynamics and the character of the verses of the Spanish poet. In addition to what has been mentioned, the importance of this exercise for the instrumentalist who interprets the music will be emphasized.


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How to Cite

Álvarez-Campos, D. E. (2024). The poetic function in the classical guitar score of Preludio epigramático No. 1 by Leo Brouwer. Sincronía, 28(85), 555–564. Retrieved from