The magical towns of Mexico from the notion of aura of W. Benjamin.



Pueblo Mágico, W. Benjamin, Aura, Reproduction, Originality


The objective of this essay is to reflect on the reality of Pueblos Mágicos from the perspective of Walter Benjamin's concept of aura. The aura of a piece consists of its unique character, which cannot be repeated, so reproduction leads to desecration, so that it loses its aura. There is a lot of bibliography on the Pueblos Mágicos Program where it raises the cultural and identity aspects that make each municipality have some of the magic that the program tries to preserve and market. The designation of Pueblo Mágico encompasses the localities an auratic halo, sometimes artificial, which is the object of desire in national and international tourism market segments. A resident must be a good host, someone who internalizes the brand manual of the Pueblo Mágico. Marketing desecrates the aura of things, making use of post-auratic technologies, such as the tools of the mass media, advertising, radio, and new forms of interaction between the aura of objects and the masses are being created, seeking to appropriate them objects.


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How to Cite

Arias Castañeda, E., & Mexía Valenzuela, R. (2023). The magical towns of Mexico from the notion of aura of W. Benjamin. Sincronía, 27(84), 133–144. Retrieved from