Another look at the bureaucracy. Rereading of the novel A New Appointment by Alexander Bek.



Alexander Bek, Soviet literature, Bureaucracy, Stalinism, Soviet thaw


The novel A New Appointment by the Soviet author Alexander Bek, written with the aim of criticizing the Soviet political regime that conformed to the interests, work style and political conception of José Stalin, is subjected to a specific analysis that takes acting as its main axis. of the central character who is presented as a model of a Stalinist bureaucrat. After highlighting the negative aspects attributed to the Soviet official, these are contrasted with his positive features, to reach the conclusion that the author so richly portrayed the political panorama of the Soviet Union under the government of Stalin, that the novel provides information to clarify the critical image that has been consolidated around this character.


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How to Cite

Chávez Mancilla, Ángel. (2023). Another look at the bureaucracy. Rereading of the novel A New Appointment by Alexander Bek. Sincronía, 27(84), 393–411. Retrieved from