Verbose sex and the blurring of gender as resistance to power in a novel and two dramatic texts by Samuel Beckett.


  • Emanuel Pinasco Universidad de Buenos Aires


Verbosity, Homoerotism, Confession, Desire, Gender/Genre


This paper approaches three of Samuel Beckett’s writings from the articulation of different contemporary theoretical positions that link the problematic of speech and voice with the problematic of sex. Many previous investigations have already traced problematics such as homosexuality or incest in texts by this writer, but always raising them as peripheral and specific issues. However, there is the possibility of going a step further, and to do so, the theoretical framework must be modified. A more appropriate framework is the idea of gender as a performative act, understood as a bridge between sex and subjectivity. The objective of this work is to elucidate -by means of the previously enunciated tools- the way in which sex occupies the aporetic center of Beckett's writing.


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How to Cite

Pinasco, E. (2023). Verbose sex and the blurring of gender as resistance to power in a novel and two dramatic texts by Samuel Beckett. Sincronía, 27(84), 368–392. Retrieved from