Wandering forms: mobile compositional elements in two novels by Juan Pablo Villalobos.



Wander, Opposition, Generic hybridization, Parody


No voy a pedirle a nadie que me crea y La invasion del pueblo del espíritu are two of the most recent novels by the mexican writer Juan Pablo Villalobos. One of the characteristics that unites two works that appear to be diverse is the wandering vein that surrounds the ethical-aesthetic proposal of the novels. This article aims to analyze how, based on the formal elements that make up both works, a wandering reading is proposed, in opposition to the established order and against aesthetic pigeonholing. Wandering, understood as a sociological phenomenon, lands in the works of literature, which adopts its elements from different planes, transcending its limits. The generic hybridization and its parody No voy a pedirle… and the configuration of the narrator in La invasion… are presented as some of the ways in which some notions of wandering are resignified.


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How to Cite

Campaña Fimbres, J. A. (2023). Wandering forms: mobile compositional elements in two novels by Juan Pablo Villalobos. Sincronía, 27(84), 329–353. Retrieved from https://revistasincronia.cucsh.udg.mx/index.php/sincronia/article/view/216