Reading Malvinas from the edges: Crossroads between literature for children and young people and theater



Mapping, Comparatism, Culture


In 2022, forty years have passed since the Malvinas War, a military conflict that pitted Argentina against Great Britain for 74 days. However, the presence of the islands in dissimilar spheres such as the political, economic, social and cultural of our country runs through our recent and not so recent history. In the same sense, the emergence of Malvinas in literature and the arts also precedes the war, although it finds new configurations of meaning that link this narrative with that of the post-dictatorship. Studying such texts implies attending to the different ways Malvinas is built and rebuilt during the postwar period.

Forty-two years after the Malvinas War, we propose to read Malvinas from the edges. For this task we draw a first approach, of a comparative nature, that is, attentive to phenomena of convergence but also divergence, between theater and literature intended for childhood and youth in which Malvinas is narrated or staged. To do this, we will start with an introduction about the Malvinas as a symbolic fact, and then go on to briefly describe the singularities of each case. Finally, we will establish a series of connections between both fields


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How to Cite

Ayelén Bayerque, M. ., & Dubatti, R. (2024). Reading Malvinas from the edges: Crossroads between literature for children and young people and theater. Sincronía, 29(87), 360–388. Retrieved from