Anxiety Facing Old Age in “Señales captadas en el corazón de una fiesta”, by Rodrigo Fresán.



Homosexuality, Aging, McOndo, Individualist Point of View


This article analyzes the anxiety of the homosexual character-narrator from “Señales captadas en el corazón de una fiesta”, a short story by Rodrigo Fresán in the anthology McOndo, based on the individualist point of view. The main character’s suffering mainly arises from aging, a universal physiologic process of all human beings, rather than from his sexual orientation. The present analysis differs from any previous studies which considered homosexuality as the main factor for the suffering of the characters in the context of social discrimination. The main character of this short story is not configured as a representative who might symbolize the social anguish of homosexuals, but rather an individual with his own personal characteristics.


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How to Cite

Nam, S. (2023). Anxiety Facing Old Age in “Señales captadas en el corazón de una fiesta”, by Rodrigo Fresán. Sincronía, 27(83), 123–141. Retrieved from