Mechanisms of subjectivation and self-controlled digital societies.



Control Device, Self-control, Digital, Big data, Panoptico, Byung Chul Han


This article gives continuity to the last article entitled: The social network Facebook as a control device. A look from Foucault's philosophy (Arredondo, 2020).  It describes the how of the development, and through which the operation of the Panoptico, and the control device occurs. In this way the progress of the mechanisms of subjectivation that interact and play an important role within current digital systems is exposed, with the purpose of creating self-controlled societies.

Based on the concepts and ideas of the South Korean philosopher Byung Chul Han the evolution of the disciplined society, the evolution of the panoptico, and the changes from imposed control to voluntarily accepted control are compared. The reason for the importance of Big Data as a measurement system for information and commercialization is described. The scope of these recent communication and information technologies is presented with the fourth phase of the Internet of Everything, its development with electronic technology and total immersion of it with the individual in everyday life.


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How to Cite

Arredondo Rubio, C. (2023). Mechanisms of subjectivation and self-controlled digital societies. Sincronía, 27(83), 70–82. Retrieved from

