Commemorative media narratives about the South Atlantic crisis. The case of Para Ti during the transition to democracy in Argentina (1983-1984).



Malvinas, Social Memories, Media Narratives, Discourse Analysis


This article is part of a larger project on the coverage that Argentine magazines of national circulation carried out on the conflict between Argentina and the United Kingdom over the Malvinas Islands (1982). Its scope is limited, and it aims to know and understand how Para Ti, from the Atlántida publishing house, remembered the crisis in the South Atlantic during the transition to democracy (1983-1984). The interest in this magazine lies in its circulation and in the fact that it belongs to one of the main publishing companies that explicitly supported the dictatorial government. Also, because there is a vacancy for specific studies on the narratives and memories that it activated and configured in relation to the Malvinas. The methodology is qualitative and articulates operational categories of sociosemiotics and discourse analysis.


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How to Cite

Gago, M. P. (2024). Commemorative media narratives about the South Atlantic crisis. The case of Para Ti during the transition to democracy in Argentina (1983-1984). Sincronía, 29(87), 164–187. Retrieved from