The Invasions and their impact on the property rights of the State



Property right, Invasion, possession, Land


This article reflects on the repercussions that land invasions generate on the property rights of the State, describing its legal nature, the consequences of its commission, and how the formal and informal process of land acquisition occurs in the legal system. Peruvian legal Pointing out that this institution is continually transgressed by people who carry out invasions, since they generate expenses for the State, and the State loses its property, in the search for the common good. It is then concluded that the right of property is the figure par excellence of the real right that enables the owner of the property to have exclusive control over it, allowing the exercise of the attributes of use, enjoyment, disposition and claim of the thing. And, that invasions find their origin in the presence of factors such as difficult access to housing, poverty, centralization and migration; and, the absence of a state policy to promote popular housing.


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Author Biographies

Waldir Flores Navarro, Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Lawyer. Researcher and writer.

Luz Angélica Flores Sajamí, National University of San Martin

Law student and researcher.

José Roberto Siaden Valdivieso, National University of San Martin

Lawyer. University teacher and researcher.



How to Cite

Flores Navarro, W., Flores Sajamí, L. A., & Siaden Valdivieso, J. R. (2024). The Invasions and their impact on the property rights of the State. Sincronía, 29(87), 935–955. Retrieved from

