Putting the puzzle together: literary approaches to the Malvinas War



Literature Malvinas, Variations, Genres


In this article we intend to give an account of a series of diverse literary approaches to the Malvinas War, emphasizing those texts that mark alternatives, close cycles or explore atypical resources, constantly expanding the space of representation. These variations can operate at both discursive and thematic levels, and bring into play diverse generic expressions, appealing alternatively to testimony, fiction, spectral rhetoric, the novel of historical reconstruction, autobiography or chronicle. We are particularly interested in the possible combinations between these forms, and what they say in relation to the ways in which Argentine society elaborates its losses.


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How to Cite

Semilla Durán, M. A. (2024). Putting the puzzle together: literary approaches to the Malvinas War. Sincronía, 29(87), 436–465. Retrieved from https://revistasincronia.cucsh.udg.mx/index.php/sincronia/article/view/149