Teaching photography as a tool for the didactics of semiotics. Peirce's concept of firstness as a trigger for artistic production in students of the Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature at UMSNH in 2023



Photography, Didactics of Semiotics, Artistic production


During the second semester of 2023, a photography workshop was held for students in the Bachelor's degree program in Spanish Language and Literature at the University Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, with a focus from Visual Studies. Open to participants from various semesters and aged between 17 and 22, the workshop aimed to provide students with theoretical and practical tools for digital photography production. Taught at a basic level, the goal was to motivate students towards subsequent personal artistic practice. The workshop went beyond mere technical instruction, aspiring to be a space where photography was explored as a form of knowledge and thought. Emphasis was placed on semiotics, using Charles S. Peirce's concepts of firstness, secondness, and thirdness to reinforce students' understanding. The fundamental objective was for participants to apply semiotics in a practical and artistic manner, realizing that it is not just an analytical tool but essential for the generation of artistic and cultural products, specifically in the field of photographic production.


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How to Cite

Ávila González, I., & Ponce Díaz, R. (2024). Teaching photography as a tool for the didactics of semiotics. Peirce’s concept of firstness as a trigger for artistic production in students of the Bachelor’s degree in Spanish Language and Literature at UMSNH in 2023. Sincronía, 28(86), 535–556. Retrieved from https://revistasincronia.cucsh.udg.mx/index.php/sincronia/article/view/85

