A cookbook of country women: preservation of feminine identity, patriarchal customs and collective memories



Recipe book, Patriarchal customs, Memories, Women, Identity


The following text exposes the importance of the recipe book of a community in which the identity of the locality and the role of Mexican women in it are preserved during the seventies. The conception of the recipe book not only as a repository of a culinary tradition but as a reflection of past and present patriarchal customs such as: confining women to the kitchen and continuing to use the man's surname in the name of the married woman. The variations of Spanish and the presence of Mayan in the everyday speech of peninsular Spanish are also reflected. Finally, the importance of editing and disseminating this type of texts made in community, autonomously and personally for the preservation of the memories that are deposited in it.


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How to Cite

Vera Gutiérrez, K. del C. (2024). A cookbook of country women: preservation of feminine identity, patriarchal customs and collective memories. Sincronía, 28(86), 524–534. Retrieved from https://revistasincronia.cucsh.udg.mx/index.php/sincronia/article/view/84

