Open Access Statement

The electronic Sincronía Journal is limited to the concept of Open Access OA (Acceso abierto, AA in Spanish), understood as the open and free availability of information disseminated on the Internet, with the aim that any user can read, copy, download , print, distribute or any legal use, without interposing economic, legal or technical barriers (Budapest Declaration, 2002).

Therefore, Sincronía Journal adopts the Open Access policies established in:

Therefore, Sincronía Journal makes available to the general public and Internet users all the materials published in each of its editions at no cost, this includes the total elimination of charges for authors or consultation of materials; That is why Sincronía Journal promotes direct access to academic materials, products of national and foreign researchers, as well as literary creations in the areas of poetry, narrative and theater.

Likewise, Argos magazine has implemented a long-term article presentation policy, achieving registration in the institutional repositories of university libraries, as well as registration in the main national, regional and international directories and catalogues.


(Document prepared by: Lic. Nicolás Medina García)